Contact US

Get in touch

If you have any questions about our services or any general inquiries, please fill out the form below or give us a call! We will be more than happy to help.

Email Address:


Company Headquarters 

7575 Corporate Way
Eden Prairie, MN 55344

(651) 705-6376

St. Cloud Office

335 West St. Germain Street Suite 230        St. Cloud, MN 56301

(320) 281-9131

Cedar Rapids Office

3601 Mount Vernon Road SE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52403

(319) 343-6376

Des Moines Office

6900 NE 14th Street Suite 27            Ankeny, IA 50021

(515) 207-9575

LaCrosse Office

200 Main Street Suite 201
LaCrosse, WI 54601

(608) 713-1835

Madison Office

2810 Crossroads Dr. Suite 400             Madison, WI 53718

(608) 713-1835

Omaha Office

12020 Shamrock Plaza Suite 200           Omaha, NE 68154

(402) 674-8820