At Option Exteriors we work with all the leading shingle manufacturers. All of our manufacturers are leaders in the industry with their high quality materials, variety of styles and excellent warranties.


IKO Roof Pro

Options Exteriors has achieved a major milestone in receiving the ROOFPRO Craftsman Premier status with IKO, top 3% in the nation. In order to qualify, a roofing company has to meet stringent installation and safety guidelines, as well as installing a minimum of 10,000 square feet of IKO roof shingles within a span of one calendar year. Any potential candidate that qualifies for the ROOFPRO Craftsman Premier Status must have a strong and proven track record of satisfied customers and quality service. They must back this up by providing references from a minimum of 20 customers who have had a positive experience with Options Exteriors.


IKO is a family owned business that has been operating for four generations. They started manufacturing roofing shingles in Calgary, Alberta Canada; they are very knowledgeable about temperature and climate extremes.

  • Lasting performance and a total protection roofing system
  • Elegant appearance and up to 37 custom designed palettes and style options
  • Limited Lifetime Warranty comes standard

IKO Cambridge:

  • Printed nail line for blow off protection
  • Wind warranty for up to 110 Mph

IKO Dynasty:

  • Fortified with IKO Armourzone
  • Wind warranty for up to 130 Mph
  • Four color drops on every shingle giving it an extra pop

IKO Nordic:

  • Fortified with IKO Armourzone
  • Wind warranty for up to 130 Mph
  • Class 4 impact resistant earning an insurance discount with most carriers
  • Four color drops on every shingle giving it an extra pop
  • Built in algae resistance

IKO Armourshake:

  • Printed nail line for blow off protection
  • Wind warranty for up to 130 Mph
  • Unique look that standouts

IKO Royal Estate:

  • Printed nail line for blow off protection
  • Wind warranty for up to 130 Mph
  • Unique look that standouts

IKO Crowne Slate:

  • Wind warranty for up to 130 Mph
  • Unique look that standouts
  • Applicable for an insurance discount with most insurance companies.